Journey Chicago 2014


Run from the Robocalypse!

October 4, 2014 7 P.M.
Location: Northerly Island 1400 S. Linn White Drive (Near Adler Planetarium)


Saturday October 4th at 7 P.M.

Start: Northerly Island 1400 S. Lynn White Drive (Near Adler Planetarium)

End: Stage 773 (With After-Party)

How do you feel about exploring forgotten and magical parts of Chicago? Does a citywide game of capture the flag sound like something you want to be a part of? How about a scavenger hunt with a plot line? Your help is needed in our operation to fight a ROBOT APOCALYPSE. The robots are here — all around us, taking many forms and they aim to assimilate!

We would like to invite the people of Chicago and her surrounding areas to participate in what will be the most exciting and fun race/game of tag/scavenger hunt that the city has ever seen. The game was played in May and had a glorious turnout, and it is happening again before it gets too cold to play outside! It is Journey to the End of the Night, a free street game of cinematic proportions run by awesome volunteers in cities around the world. It is a race/chase through city streets at night. It is recreation at its best, and an opportunity for people to have an adventure within their own city limits! It will be super fun, and the more people that play, the merrier! This is a purely community based event, completely non-commercial fun! It is sure to be a great adventure!

Robots have taken over Chicago. An escape plan has been devised to save those who haven’t been assimilated. You, along with those remaining, will meet at Northerly Island (1400 S. Lynn White Drive – Near the Adler Planetarium). There you’ll receive a map to five secret locations and two ribbons, one red
and one blue. The blue one will signify your humanity. And the red one will go in your pocket. You will then race to the five secret locations. There you will meet with experts to ensure you’re still human. Stage 773, the final destination, holds an airship that will take us to freedom! (They will also host an after-party).

In the unfortunate case that you get caught, the robot who did the catching will take your blue ribbon as a prize. And as your last human act you’ll don the red ribbon. A sign to others that you’ve become a robot. Once a robot, you’ll hunt humans with your new teammates Amassing legions, and ending the world.

A trophy to the fastest human! Verified Human ID Cards for all the survivors. Team trophies for squads of five who sign up online before the race.

The robots will award a trophy to the one with the most blue ribbons.
If anyone is interested in helping organize please email